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Cari Blog Ini

Save The Date Choices

Choices in Save the Date and Their Outcomes


Save the Date is a game that revolves around the choices you make. The choices you make will affect the outcome of the game. This page contains a list of all the choices you can make in Save the Date, as well as their outcomes.

Chapter 1

Choice 1

Option A: Accept Michael's invitation to the party.

Outcome: You will go to the party and meet Michael. You will have the opportunity to get to know him better and see if you are compatible.

Option B: Decline Michael's invitation to the party.

Outcome: You will not go to the party and will not meet Michael. You will miss out on the opportunity to get to know him better.

Choice 2

Option A: Talk to Michael about your interests.

Outcome: Michael will learn more about your interests and hobbies. This will help him to get to know you better and see if you are compatible.

Option B: Don't talk to Michael about your interests.

Outcome: Michael will not learn anything about your interests and hobbies. This will make it harder for him to get to know you better.

Chapter 2

Choice 1

Option A: Go on a date with Michael.

Outcome: You will go on a date with Michael and learn more about him. You will have the opportunity to see if you are compatible.

Option B: Decline Michael's invitation to go on a date.

Outcome: You will not go on a date with Michael and will not learn anything more about him. You will miss out on the opportunity to see if you are compatible.

Choice 2

Option A: Kiss Michael.

Outcome: You will kiss Michael and learn more about his feelings for you. This will help you to see if you are compatible.

Option B: Don't kiss Michael.

Outcome: You will not kiss Michael and will not learn anything more about his feelings for you. This will make it harder for you to see if you are compatible.
